how a bill becomes a law

How A Bill Becomes A Law In The Senate

5 Mins Read July, 07 2021 Posted by ExclusiveRights

There are quite a good number of people who have always wanted to know how a bill becomes a law. From the first time when the bill is introduced to the very last time when the bill eventually becomes the law, this process is essential. Unfortunately, despite this process is so important, a good number of people do not know how this process sails through. It includes into the legislative process. 

As such, it is only right to try and understand this process fully for your own benefit. That said, the text below takes into consideration the process by which a bill becomes law. If you have been wondering how and how a bill becomes a law then this is the text you need to be reading. 

How A Bill Becomes A Law

1. An Idea Of The Bill 

An Idea Of The Bill

All the bills which become the law in the long run always begin as an idea. The good thing about bills in the state of California and other places in the US is that they can be introduced by anyone. You do not need to be elected as a leader to sponsor a bill. Actually, anyone can come up with a bill idea and push it to the furthest level possible.  

2. Drafting Of The Bill 

Drafting Of The Bill 

Once you have an idea of the bill you wish to sponsor, you need to have it drafted down in a formal bill. You need to summarize and also make it as much simpler as possible to allow for the people the bill is presented to understand it with ease. As you do the drafting of the bill, you need to also look for a way that you can use to bring out the purpose of this bill perfectly.  

3. The Introduction Of The Bill 

Any bill that seeks to become law must be formally introduced by a senator or even an assembly member.  At this point, your bill will receive a number that is preceded by either an SB or even AB. These numbers are indicated in the house in which the bill is introduced in either the senate or the assembly. Once the bill is introduced at this level then it is then signed into a committee.  

4. Committee Level 

Committee Level 

This is one of the most essential processes in how a bill becomes a law. At this stage, hearings are carried out to allow for stakeholders to argue against the bill. In some cases, the bill can pass through this stage as drafted, the committee might even amend the bill or it might fail in it altogether. In some cases, one bill can pass through multiple committees.

5. Second Reading Of The Bill 

Second Reading Of The Bill

Once it pass a bill through the committee, it is then taken into consideration by all members of the parliament for consideration. At this level of the house, the bill is debated by the members of the house, and serious objectives about it are raised.  

6. Floor Debate And Voting On The Bill 

Floor Debate And Voting On The Bill 

Once the bill has been introduced to the committee the next follows is the debating on the bill by the two houses involved. Once the bill is presented before legislators, it is debated on and then undergoes voting after.  For the bill to pass it only needs a simple majority from the debating members of the house.  

However, there are some other bills that might require two-thirds of the senate vote for them to pass. For instance, bills on budget and other essential issues might require this threshold for it to pass. Other ordinary bills will only require a simple majority for them to pass to the next level.  

7. Action In The Second House {Reading Of The Bill}

Action In The Second House {Reading Of The Bill}

In the second house, the process of how a bill becomes a law is not any different. In the second house, the bill is read pretty much like the case in the other house. The reading process does not entail much other than just the introductory part of the bill.  

8. Committee Stage 

Committee Stage

At this stage, the stakeholders also get another opportunity of providing comments on the bill. In some cases, the committee might amend the bill in cases where they feel the need to do so. In some others, they may pass a bill as it is or refer it to another committee.  

9. Second Reading 

Second Reading 

Once the bill is through from the committee stage, it is then sent to the second house floor for consideration. Once this process is complete, it is then scheduled for debate on the floor of the same house.  

10. Debating On The Floor Of The House And Voting 

Debating On The Floor Of The House And Voting 

If the bill that passes in the first house is similar to that passed in the second house, then it is directly sent to the governor for action.  If the bill is amended in the second house, then it is also sent back to the first house for the amended bill to be passed also.  

11. Governor Action 

Governor Action 

Once the bill is presented to the governor has up to 12 days to sign the bill or allow it to pass without his signature. At the end of every legislation process, the governor gets so many bills to amend and has up to 30 days to take action. If any bill is vetoed, then the bill can be overridden if two-thirds of the members of the legislative house vote in favor of the bill.  

In a nutshell, this is how a bill becomes a law in the state. This is the process and how it goes in many states in America. The case is not so different from the same process at the federal government level but essentially this is how a bill becomes the law. 

Frequently Asked Questions

It is posible to  have questions  regardiong the legislative  process. let’s make a try to solve your quesries. I ha ve jot down few question that  are being  frequently asked in google. let’s discuss them in deatils.

Q1. How a bill becomes a law?

A.  First a bill has been send to the parliament. Later, President’s assent recieve the bill. When the president aggree the bill, it  gets published.
Q2. Does a bill have to be passed by the Senate to become law?
A. Before passing a bill, it has to be sent to the home of representative in U.S. Later, to the senate and lastly to the president.


The process of how pass a bill becomes a law in the states of America is as indicated above. If you are interested in this entire process then the text above offers you essential information on the same. You can read the text above for better information on this issue.  

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