White Man Open Fires And Kills People In Florida

White Man Open Fires And Kills People In Florida

2 Mins Read August, 08 2023 Posted by Nilanjana Basu

Racial killing takes place in Florida. A man openly fired at a Dollar General Store in Florida’s Jacksonville. It was a ruthless attack, and three people have been reported dead by gunshot.

This racially motivated attack was carried out by one man. The person suspected of the shooting is also dead.

More About The Shooter

CNN has reported more on the Shooter. TK Waters, the sheriff of Jacksonville, Florida, has said that this shooting was racially motivated. The shooter, who was White himself, apparently hated black people. He openly fired at the black people and then shot himself. The victim being black, has highlighted his hate as being the motive behind the attack.

The suspected Shooter decided to open fire in the Dollar General Store, and it left multiple fatalities. Said Donna Deegan, the mayor of Jacksonville.

The Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department is currently on standby treating the victims of this incident. As of now, there are no major details on the victim’s families.

The Stay In Place Order

A black private Christian school nearby has issued a campus-wide stay-in-place order. Edward Water University lies less than a mile to the southeast of the Dollar General Store. This step was taken to ensure the safety of the students and faculty members on campus.

The students were kept safe in the residence halls until the scene was cleared and safe.

The residents of Jacksonville have called this day a tragic one. Violence of any kind is unacceptable, they said. Residents of Jackson will have offered their condolences through the victim’s families.

Current State

Needless to say, this is not the first killing related to racial violence in the US. Close to 470 mass shootings have taken place in the US in 2023 alone. So far, this year has apparently been the highest in killings ever since 2013.

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Nilanjana Basu

Nilanjana is a lawyer with a flair for writing. She has a certification in American Laws from Penn Law (Pennsylvania University). Along with this, she has been known to write legal articles that allow the audience to know about American laws and regulations at ease.

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