what is a personal injury lawyer

What Is A Personal Injury Lawyer? Things You Should Know In 2022

5 Mins Read May, 05 2022 Posted by Barsha Bhattacharya

Are you wondering what is a personal injury lawyer? Have you recently suffered some injuries due to a third party? Are you not sure how to go about in such situations? 

If you are in any dilemma concerning personal injuries, especially the legal aspects of the same, then you have come to the right place. We are here to tell you everything you need to know about hiring a personal injury attorney in 2022. 

But before that, we need to spend some time discussing who are these personal injury attorneys and what is the purpose of hiring one. So without wasting any further time, let’s find out more about the same!

What Is A Personal Injury Lawyer?

What Is A Personal Injury Lawyer

So who is a personal injury lawyer? Simply put, a personal injury lawyer offers legal representation and help to people who have suffered some kind of injury in different accidents.

For instance, if you were walking by the road and out of nowhere, a vehicle comes and hits you, that would be a case of typical personal injury, most specifically a case of pedestrian injury.

The scope of personal injuries does not just extend to physical injuries but also to all kinds of damages – from economic to psychological, all kinds of damage are applicable in such cases. 

If you have been injured due to any kind of negligence on the part of a third party, you have every right to file a personal injury lawsuit; click URL here to learn how. 

How Can A Personal Injury Lawyer Help You?

How Can A Personal Injury Lawyer Help You

A personal injury attorney can help you obtain financial settlements and compensations for any injury that you might have suffered. Cases of any vehicle accidents, medical malpractices, defective products, and workplace injuries all fall within the scope of personal injuries that you can take action on.

Now you must be wondering what is the average cost of a personal injury lawyer? Well, let’s go to that later because there are two things that are most crucial as of now. So let’s find out…shall we? 

Types of Cases Handled By Personal Injury Attorneys: 

Types of Cases Handled By Personal Injury Attorneys

The different types of cases that fall under the scope of work for personal injury lawyers are as follows, 

Types of Compensations:

Types of Compensations

Naturally, the kind of compensation you will receive has a lot to do with the details of the case. Therefore, more than focusing on what is a personal injury lawyer, it is vital to find out what are the usual kinds of compensation given to victims of personal injuries. 

Check out the different kinds of compensation mentioned below!

  • Compensation for profit or loss,
  • Remuneration for help and care, 
  • No capacity to earn,
  • Income loss,
  • Emotional distress
  • Mental anguish, 
  • Future profit or loss, 
  • Clinical expenses, and
  • Loss of marriage possibilities.

How Does A Personal Injury Function?

How Does A Personal Injury Function

Since you have received the answer to ‘what is a personal injury lawyer,” let’s check out the functions of a personal injury attorney!

  1. The first thing that these attorneys do is investigate the claims made by the victims. 
  1. Once the claims have been investigated, these lawyers begin the actual investigation process. This portion also forms the backbone of evidence gathering.
  1. Once the evidence has been gathered, the next step is to negotiate with the different insurance companies.
  1. The plead is prepared to keep in mind all the evidence gathered and negotiations made in the same context. This process might also include a section where the attorney might choose to conduct discovery.
  1. Finally, the attorney also represents the client in court while assisting the client in a variety of legal issues related to the actual case. 

Understand that there is no fixed answer to what is the average salary for a personal injury lawyer – this is because personal injury lawyers only get paid when their clients win. They basically charge a certain percentage of the compensation they negotiate. 

So if, for instance, the victim wins a thousand dollars, the lawyer will charge an X percentage of the amount won – that becomes the salary of the lawyer. By industry standards, most lawyers charge 33% of the compensation they are able to negotiate. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1. What Is A Personal Injury Lawyer in Philadelphia? 

Ans: Personal injury lawyers often work in association with specific individuals suffering from physical and psychological injuries simply because of negligence on the part of the third party in Philadelphia. 
These lawyers can easily handle cases related to birth injuries or even auto collisions. These lawyers help clients receive the compensation they rightfully deserve.

Q2. What Percentage Do Most Personal Injury Lawyers Take? 

Ans: Generally, personal injury attorneys claim 33% of the compensation received on average. However, if the case in question reaches trial, then the costs incurred are different. This is done for minimizing the expenses on the part of the victim while hiring an attorney to help them out.

Q3. What Is The Role Of A Personal Injury Lawyer In A Case? 

Ans: This is just like the answer to what is a personal injury lawyer. These attorneys specialize in securing compensation for victims of cases involving personal injuries. These lawsuits also cover all expenses related to all kinds of physical, psychological, and economic damages.

Now that you know everything about what is a personal injury lawyer, the next time you or any of your acquaintances suffer from any type of personal injury, you will be able to figure out how to deal with such cases. 

Unfortunately, personal injuries are so common that most of us assume it’s not anyone’s fault. But that’s exactly where people start making mistakes. Accidents are accidents, but that does not mean you can’t hold someone accountable, especially if it was caused due to someone’s negligence. 

The faster you act in such cases, the better for you if you think about it. Don’t forget to let us know your thoughts on hiring a personal injury attorney in the comments section below!

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Barsha Bhattacharya is a senior content writing executive. As a marketing enthusiast and professional for the past 4 years, writing is new to Barsha. And she is loving every bit of it. Her niches are marketing, lifestyle, wellness, travel and entertainment. Apart from writing, Barsha loves to travel, binge-watch, research conspiracy theories, Instagram and overthink.

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