U.S. Justice Department Opposes Closed Trial in Google Antitrust Case

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U.S. Justice Department Opposes Closed Trial in Google Antitrust Case

2 Mins Read September, 09 2023 Posted by Nilanjana Basu

The Justice Department of the United States is objecting to the removal of the public from the court during discussions on Google. 

On Monday, the department has voiced its objections. The federal department does not want to remove the public from the court. They want the public to be sure and understand the discussions about the prices of Google ads. 

Google has been paying top tech companies billions of dollars every year to keep its monopolistic practices ongoing. These are the current issues of the massive anti-trust lawsuit going on against Google.

It is almost as if the Government of the United States wants the public to know that Google and its Parent company, Alphabet, have broken the anti-trust loss of the United States to suppress competition in the market. 

The search engine has been practicing anti-competition practices vehemently, the government claims. The revenue from advertisements has apparently made google a 1 trillion dollar company today. 

Representative of the government has pointed to a document that lays down the details about Google’s pricing policies. 


Dahlquist, the representative, has argued in front of the judge that tidbits about the company should not be kept away from the public. He argurd that this document satisfied public interest as it lies at the very core of the anti-trust trial led by the Department of Justice. 

A Google spokesperson has requested the court to make all price-related discussions a closed session which means that neither the public nor the media can participate.

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Nilanjana Basu

Nilanjana is a lawyer with a flair for writing. She has a certification in American Laws from Penn Law (Pennsylvania University). Along with this, she has been known to write legal articles that allow the audience to know about American laws and regulations at ease.

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