Legal Challenges Target Diversity Programs Using Century-Old Law

Legal Challenges Target Diversity Programs Using Century-Old Law

2 Mins Read September, 09 2023 Posted by Debkanya Bhattacharya

Edward Blum is known for challenging policies that consider racial grounds in admissions to educational institutions. 

Blum is now trying to make use of an old law that existed right from the Civil War Era to take down diversity programs in companies.

His efforts are seen in three of the recent lawsuits that he filed recently. The lawsuits take a stand against venture capital funds, mostly. However, they also target two law firms that have in-house programs that aim to help Black, Hispanic, and other minority groups to have better job opportunities.

What Is The Law Blum Is Using?

The law Blum is citing in his lawsuits is Section 1981 of the 1866 Civil Rights Act. This piece of legislation came into the scenario after the Civil War to make sure all citizens of the United States enjoy the same rights. It allows for all citizens to make contracts, just like white citizens, no matter their color.

While the law primarily means to protect Black people, the one-slaves, some have also used it to protect white people from racial discrimination.

Just like them, Blum is making use of this statute to challenge corporate diversity programs.

A Supreme Court Decision

Blum’s efforts come into the scene after a recent Supreme Court decision. The decision goes against race-conscious student admissions policies in educational institutions. 

This week, Blum will appear in court for the hearing of one of his lawsuits. It concerns a race-based grant program from a venture capital firm called Fearless Fund.

According to Blum, race should not be a factor in helping or harming a citizen in the sphere of jobs and contracts. He is of the idea that it ruins equal opportunities in the private sector.

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