Groups Are Suing Florida For The Enforcement Of New Immigration Laws

Groups Are Suing Florida For The Enforcement Of New Immigration Laws

2 Mins Read July, 07 2023 Posted by Jyoti Jha

Several groups in Florida have sued the governance of the DeSantis administration on Monday over the immigration policies that have been enforced within the state. A lawsuit has been filed against DeSantis’s administration for enforcement of anti-immigration laws. 

The groups that are suing the administration of DeSantis are stating that the new immigration laws are inflicting harm to a wide range of citizens of the state regarding their ability to go on with their lives. 

The lawsuit that has been filed in the federal court of Miami has been noted to target DeSantis’s immigration policies that have been implemented in the state. DeSantis, the governor of Florida and is a Republican candidate for the presidential race. He has been regularly noticed for his ability to criticize Joe Biden’s stand on migrants crossing the southern borders of the United States. 

The New Immigration Law Implemented By DeSantis In Florida

The law in question that has been implemented in Florida is called as “FL SB 1718.” This new law will allow authorities to charge any individual with the offense of human trafficking. This is when that individual is caught transporting undocumented migrants across the state lines knowingly. 

Moreover, this law has also been noted for its ability to restrict undocumented immigrants from driving a car even when they have a driver’s license from another state. On the other hand, immigrants will also be required to prove their immigration status within state hospitals for the purpose of acquiring Medicaid. 

This new immigration law has put many Florida-based citizens and other citizens from other states at immense risk and danger. This is because the law has enabled any individual to be at risk of arrest, being charged, and prosecuted for a felony for transportation of vaguely defined immigration rules & regulations within Florida. 

Due to this, families residing near the border of the state and parents willing to drive their children will be unable to have access to medical care and other recreational activities within the state.

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Jyoti Jha

Jyoti Jha is a freelance SEO content writer for tech , health, and education-related content. With 5 years of experience in the industry, I am creating high-quality content that captivates readers and delivers value.

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