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Countries That Spend Most on Education
It’s shocking yet true that around 244 million children between the ages of 6 to 18 are out of school. This isn’t only limited to just one country, it’s the statistics all over the world.
Summer holidays play a crucial role in the life of the students. As the heat increases, the countries of the Northern Hemisphere are now looking at ways to relieve the children from this dreadful scorching heat.
Education is the key driver that holds the steering wheel of social and economic development. World Bank has even confirmed that schoolings are primarily associated with the nine percent rise in hourly earnings.
Global Education Levels
Only around 10% of the world’s population above 15 has not received any sort of formal education. Only 10% of people have completed their primary education.
Now, nearly 40% of the world’s population is either educated in lower or upper secondary education. Hence, the remaining 12% of the world’s population has attained an education that goes past the secondary stage that too in comparison with 1950.
Countries With the Longest Schooling Practices
On an average, a child spends around 12.8 years in education at schools and universities. The UNDP also highlighted primary, secondary, post-secondary, non-tertiary, and tertiary education.
Australians spend the longest time in the schooling and education system 21.1 years. New Zealand is just running behind them with 20.3 years and Greece for 20 years.
Followed by Greece it’s Belgium with 20 years and Iceland, Sweden, Finland, Ireland, Denmark, Netherlands, and Grenada spend 19 years in education.
Turkey, Norway, Spain, Argentina, and Slovenia spend around 18 years in education.
United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Germany, and Portugal spend around 17 years in education.
At the bottom, it’s South Sudan where the expected years of schooling is 5.5 years followed by Niger in 6.9 years and Mali in 7.4 years.
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