What To Expect If You’re Arrested For Drug Possession

What To Expect If You’re Arrested For Drug Possession

5 Mins Read August, 08 2023 Posted by ExclusiveRights

Being out and chilling with your friends was fun until the police showed up and asked you to put your hands behind your back and that you were under arrest. It can be a traumatic experience if it’s your first time facing charges.

You could have never thought you’d be taken to the police station in a police car because of carrying drugs. If you somehow got into a situation like this and want to know what you should do, you’ve come to the right place. Here, you’ll learn what you can expect if you get arrested for drug possession.

The Common Types of Illegal Drugs and Substances

Here is a list of the most common types of drugs and substances that you must stay away from. Possession of recreational or unregulated substances is deemed illegal, and every state in the USA has more or less the same guidelines. The most common examples of illegal drugs include:

  • Cocaine.
  • LSD (acid).
  • Methamphetamine.
  • Psilocybin mushrooms.
  • Ecstasy.

You might have heard about Cannabis, the illegal drug. There is a slight difference in opinion in the different states regarding the use of this very drug. For instance, the government of Ohio decriminalized a small amount of cannabis consumption. 

All the states have more or less the same provisions for illegal drug consumption. 

What To Do After Being Arrested For Drug Possession?

As we mentioned, you may not be well prepared to face the police after being charged with drug consumption. Here is a list of steps you must take after being arrested for drug possession. Let’s get started with the discussion for the sake of convenience and clarity.

Remain Calm And Silent:

It’s also good for you to stay silent in a situation like this. Use that time to process the situation and become as calm as possible. We know it could be difficult to become calm in a situation like this, but it’s for the better of you.

After taking you to the police station, the police might start taunting you to get information, but you should remain calm and silent and don’t say a word. The only detail you are needed to provide them is your name and address.

Don’t say anything else; it’s your right time to remain silent. It can and will be used against you in court if you say something that you really shouldn’t.

Don’t Put Anything In Writing 

You have the right to remain silent because anything you say may go against you in court. Let them ask questions, let them interrogate; stay calm. Most importantly, do not give them anything in writing.  They might ask you to sign some documents but do not offer your consent as it can put you at deep risk and uncertainty. 

Request  For A Bail 

If you do not want to be in jail, you must show your alacrity. Therefore, at your arraignment, you and your lawyer can ask the court to set the bail. Yes, it is in its entirety within the judge’s power to grant you or deny the bail. If you get the bail, then there is nothing better than it. But if she denies providing it to you, you have nothing to do then. 

There are many elements to this that you wish to learn. Discuss all of them with your appointed lawyer. They can help you out.

Don’t Talk Your Way Out Of Being Arrested:

Don’t try to talk your way out of being arrested by the police. It will make them more suspicious of you, or they might not even listen to what you say. Don’t threaten them because they can be used against you in court, and your chances of winning will rapidly decrease.

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Appearance In Court:

Appearance In Court:

After getting arrested by the police, you can expect to be taken to court within 24 hours. In court, the police will provide all the evidence gathered against you to prove you guilty.

In court, you’ll be given a few chances to make a statement and say what you were doing and why the police arrested you in the first place. Don’t think about fabricating any details because the chances of winning will decrease if caught later. In court, the judge will decide what punishment you should be given based on what evidence is gathered against you.


 As mentioned earlier, the judge will decide your punishment based on the evidence. If you were arrested for possession of drugs near a school or if you had a firearm with you at the time of being arrested, they can increase your penalty. Also, a penalty is decided on how much drug you were carrying and what type of drug you were carrying. These factors play a major role in deciding a penalty.

Contact A Professional Lawyer:

 When you are taken to the police station, you can make a phone call. Use this opportunity to contact your family or a professional lawyer. If you’re interested in hiring a lawyer, check out these federal drug charge defense lawyers who can save you.

They are very experienced, and they know how to save a convict. It’s not mandatory to hire a lawyer, but it’s in your best interest to hire a professional lawyer because having a lawyer by your side means your chances of winning the case get increased.

Role Of A Professional Lawyer 

If you hire a professional lawyer, then it can help you get out of the clutches of jail and the whirlwind of the court. A professional lawyer will listen to your case in detail. They will look for evidence to help you get out of jail. 

They also have a very sound network and can discuss with the appellant (representing the governing authority, that is, the public prosecutor) so that you are out of the police’s custody with very little punishment. Probably the most important assistance that you can find from them is managing the paperwork. They are professional, and they can handle it easily.


It may be possible that you come under the police investigations’ periphery. That time, you have to keep calm and wait for the action of your appointed lawyer. Bank on a professional and reputed lawyer who can represent you best on the court.

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