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6 Must-Know Tips For Safe Driving
Driving is a crucial part of daily life.
Although it can be rigorous, drivers and cars are everywhere in traffic jams.
It takes time to learn the rules and regulations of driving a car, but when you have learned all the rules, you will never forget your driving skills again.
The following tips will help you make yourself a safe driver.
#1 Don’t Drink and Drive
The number one way to reduce the risk of being involved in a motor vehicle accident is to limit your time behind the wheel. As such, driving isn’t something you should do when you’re drunk or exhausted.
You may be wrong even if you think you’re fine to drive after drinking alcohol. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), alcohol impairs your judgment and reaction times, leading to an accident. The CDC also notes that alcohol increases your risk of being involved in a crash by four times!
As part of its “Drunk Driving Facts” campaign, the CDC provides these tips for staying safe while operating a vehicle:
🚗Don’t drink if it will impair your ability to drive safely. The CDC recommends that people who plan on drinking before driving should wait at least two hours after their last alcoholic beverage before getting behind the wheel.
🚗Don’t combine alcohol with other medications or prescription drugs that could impair your ability to drive safely. The same goes for cough syrup, cold medicines, or pain relievers used without medical advice from a doctor or pharmacist.
In case you are caught driving under the influence, consulting a qualified DUI lawyer is imperative. Do not try to defend yourself on your own because this can only make things worse for you and your family. A good defense attorney can find out what happened at the arrest scene and explain it in court so that the prosecutor cannot use it against you later on.
#2 Don’t Use Any Electronic Device While Driving
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that more than 400 people die yearly in car crashes involving distracted drivers.
Distracted driving is the most common cause of car crash-related fatalities, and it’s hazardous for women — they are more likely to be killed or injured than men when they are involved in a crash while driving.
The NHTSA estimates that nearly all of the victims of distracted driving were using a hand-held phone or other electronic devices at the time of the crash.
#3 Always Give an Indicator While Changing Lanes
The best way to avoid accidents is to ensure you are ready and prepared for what the road has in store for you.
It is important to note that the road rules do not apply when changing lanes. This means that you should always give an indicator while changing lanes, especially if another car or a truck is behind you in the same lane.
Also, if any other cars or trucks are behind you and they are about to get in front of you, then it is time to change lanes immediately. This will ensure that no accidents occur on the road.
#4 Do Not Drive on the Wrong Side
The most important rule of safe driving is to obey the law. The law requires you to drive on the right side of the road and only drive in the right lane if there are no other cars around you.
If you’re stuck behind someone speeding, don’t pass them! And remember that as a passenger, you have no legal obligation to follow your driver’s instructions.
If you break these rules, there may be consequences — like being ticketed for reckless driving or breaking an obscure state traffic rule. But even if your mistake doesn’t lead to an arrest or ticket, it could still result in an accident that causes injury or death. So always obey the rules!
#5 Drive Within the Speed Limits
The speed limit is a significant factor in safe driving. The speed limit is determined by the conditions on the road and should be adhered to at all times. The speed limit may differ for every road and city, but if you follow the speed limits, you will be able to drive safely.
You should always keep your eyes on the road and your arms on the steering wheel while driving at a safe speed. If someone passes you too closely, slow down until they pass you safely again. If someone cuts in front of you unexpectedly, slow down and let them know they are cutting in front of you.
#6 Keep a Safe Distance From Vehicles
You need to keep a safe distance from other vehicles when driving so that there is no accident or collision with those vehicles. An accident or clash between two vehicles can cause severe injuries to both parties involved because they were close together when they collided with each other.
The minimum safe distance between your vehicle and every other vehicle on the road is 3 seconds! This means that if another vehicle passes within 3 seconds of yours, then there must be a problem with your brakes or tires or some other issue with your vehicle.
This is important because if you do not have enough space between you and another vehicle, then there is a high chance that you will get into an accident and possibly get injured in the process.
Let’s Wrap Up
The tips mentioned above can help those who are about to take the wheel for the first time, seasoned drivers, and even busy mothers who are just thinking of getting their driver’s license. Going online to look for information regarding safe driving habits is also a good idea since many sites offer advice on how to handle specific situations on the road.