Justice For George Floyd

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Justice For George Floyd: Report Exposing Racist Shades of Minneapolis Police

2 Mins Read June, 06 2023 Posted by Jyoti Jha

Let me breathe- I can’t breathe. The last words spoken by the African American man murdered by four officers of the Minneapolis police force have become a national and international slogan for the struggle for human rights of the Colored population of the USA and the world. 

A recent report exposed that excessive force and discrimination are often used routinely by the Minneapolis police department members. These forms of abusive behavior mainly target the United States residents coming from the African American and Native American community.

The reports follow an investigation conducted by the Department of Justice on the matter. George Floyd’s killing is deemed to be one of the most tragic incidents of this century. On Friday, the report was unveiled that showed all of the finding of the investigations so far. These findings were considered to be disturbing in nature. President Joseph Biden has also issued a statement to this effect. 

President Biden went on Congress of the United States to pass a legal reform that will help in building public trust, fight race-based discrimination, and enhance public safety in the United States.

According to the investigation results, the Police Department of Minneapolis will be facing federal investigation for an extending period of time. Mr. Garland, the Attorney General said that it could extend for a significant period. The Attorney General announced this decision.

A consent decree is all set to be signed by both the Police Department of Minneapolis and the United States Department of Justice. After that, a federal judge monitor the progress shown by the reforms implemented in the police department.

his report spans through a long 89 page document. It paints an unfortunate picture of the indecent breaches of conduct portrayed by the police department. Such misbeahavior was apparently very commonly displayed in the pre-murder circumstances. 

Former police officer Derek Chauvin, a middle aged white American had knelt on George’s neck long enough to suffocate him to death. All of this was due to suspisions of Mr. Floyd having given a counterfeit twenty dollar note to a shopkeeper. 

Mr. Chauvin faced legal consequences for his actions that led to the death of Mr. Floyd.  He was convicted on murder and manslaughter charges. He went on to receive prison time for a period of twenty-two and a half years. 

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Jyoti Jha

Jyoti Jha is a freelance SEO content writer for tech , health, and education-related content. With 5 years of experience in the industry, I am creating high-quality content that captivates readers and delivers value.

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