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Steps to Get An H-1B Visa

Step 1: Initial Check

The petition is checked for the starting of the visa issuance step to kickstart. It takes an estimated 1 week to complete.

Step 2: Detailed Analysis

An immigration coordinator analyses the documents submitted for the petition to ensure compliance with federal regulations.

The concerned authority will submit the position discrimination to the US Department of Labor for principal wage determination. This is done to comply with labor laws regarding the offered wage.

Step 3: Principal Wage Determination

Then, the authority will prepare a Labor Condition Application when the salary meets or is greater than the principal wage determination.

Step 4: Labor Condition Application

The department is then mandated by law to post the LCA at the working sites for a minimum of 10 working business days.

Step 5: Employer posts LCA

The department then verifies the LCA, which was posted, and the OIA submits the LCA to the DOL to get official approval of the certificate.

Step 6: DOL certification of LCA

OIA then completes I-129 forms and complies with certified LCA for related documentation of submission to the USCIS.

Step 7: Completion of I-129 Forms